What we do

  • Garden Installation

    Realizing your yard’s potential!

    We’ll help you convert your lawn into oxygen-producing, organically-grown, delicious food. We offer a range of solutions, so reach out today and we’ll find the right fit.

  • Garden Planning

    Preparation is paramount!

    We’ll create a personalized Garden Plan and Crop List based on your favorite foods. During this process, we’ll help with important aspects of farming, like crop rotation, companion planting, beneficial ornamental flowers, and so much more!

  • Family Farming Lessons

    Grow alongside loved ones!

    Studies show that teaching kids (and grown-ups!) how to grow their own food encourages them to eat healthier, provides engaging outdoor exercise, connection with nature, and helps build self confidence. Not to mention it relieves stress, improves focus and memory, and positively impacts mood and overall wellbeing.

Request a consultation